The anime community is continuously growing until now and one of the reasons why many people like watching anime is because of the character’s visuals and a wide range of relatable personality.
Because of these, there are many sites and apps where people can watch their favorite anime movies and series. One form of watching anime is streaming.

So, what exactly are anime streams and is it legal?
To those people who aren't quite familiar with the words, anime stream also means that you’re watching anime on a specific platform. An example of that is watching anime series and movies through platforms like Tiktok and Twitch.
However, please take note that streaming anime on any platform is not allowed unless you got permission or you own the copyright to the anime. According to the Streamers Playbook, it’s also alright to stream certain anime and watch it with your viewers via Twitch Watch Parties. But, if you stream outside watch parties they claim that you’ll end up getting suspended for it.
Basically, anime streams will only be legal if the person or the website streaming it has an official license to a specific anime series. One of the reasons why these anime streams are very popular especially in platforms like Twitch and Tiktok is because it’s also easy to access and most people have those apps.

Now that you know what an anime stream is and whether it’s legal or not, why do people like watching anime streams on a specific platform like Twitch and Tiktok? When they can just watch it on websites or apps like Netflix and Crunchyroll?
Streaming Anime
People may like watching anime streams on Twitch and Tiktok because it’s easy to access and almost everyone has those apps on their phones. They’re just basically relying on its convenience and those platforms also have different contents where they can scroll from while waiting for someone to stream a certain anime show.
One of the reasons why you may start liking and using these mentioned platforms to watch anime shows is because you may also find it convenient and easy to use, especially if there are people who already have those apps downloaded.

Another thing why you might like them is you can also get connected and watch with other people at the same time, same as the feeling where you’re watching anime movies with your friends.
Anime streams have become very popular for some time now and please take note that streaming anime is illegal if the website or the streamer doesn’t have license or permission from the producer of the anime.
Which of the following platforms do you use to watch anime? Is it Twitch or Tiktok?
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