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Top 5 Anime Games for PC

Kris Loyola

We’ve all had our fair share of wanting to be a part of our favorite anime shows. But as much as we want to, that cannot happen.

Wait! It can! By playing some anime games.

Anime Gamer playing in room
Top 5 Anime Games

Anime games are basically made so anime lovers could get a taste of how it feels like to be in an anime show. Plus you get to create (customize) your own character(s).

As of lately, there are anime games based on the most popular anime shows currently airing or just finished airing, to satisfy your never-ending thirst for animes. Whether it’s an action-filled adventure or some fantasy game, slaying some gargantuan monsters, all of that could be yours.

Even if we can never really enter the world of anime, we can still have the chance to be part of one, or two, or three, or as many as we want (Well, as long as our ram permits and our budgets as well *Haha).

Find out which anime games for pc are perfect for you with this list of anime games.

Top 5 Anime Games for PC

Are you wondering which anime games are available right now? Getting that itch to try a new game?

Hold your horses ‘coz we’ve already listed down 5 of the most popular anime games meant for your personal computers or your gaming laptop. Check them out!

Table of Contents


Admit it. You’ve once dreamt about being a high-skilled ninja because of Naruto anime. Well, we all did at some point.

I remember when I was still in grade school, I was really engrossed by the Naruto anime series. It was released in 2002 (I think?) and I would wait for it to air and fight with my cousins so I could get the perfect spot to sit just so I could watch conveniently.

Then all my dreams and aspirations as a kid came true when Ninja Saga was initially released in 2009. I would go to different computer shops just so I could play the game and experience being a ninja. Those were the days.

Well anyway, things are a lot better now especially with the more advanced technologies that we now have, as well as the more recent releases of excessively more entrancing games.

Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 3 Full Burst is in fact one of those pc games that would keep you occupied all day. The game is similar to its predecessors so if you’ve had the chance to play those, then you’ll somehow get the grasp on this one.

The game was released in 2018 but hey! You’ll still find the game sweetly addictive. The best thing about this game is that it has low minimum requirements for desktop and personal computers system.

Requirements: (Minimum)

  • Windows (64 bit) 7

  • Intel Core2Duo 3.0 GHz

  • 2 GB RAM

  • 1024MB Video Card

  • 23GB Available Space

Where to get the game?

Game Review

As soon as you start playing Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 3, you'll find yourself in the middle of one of the most epic battles in Naruto history.

There is no preamble to Naruto's encounter with the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox, a 20-story-tall creature who has wreaked havoc on his home town with no prior notice to him.

Because Naruto hasn't been born yet, there isn't any question about where he comes from. Why? Due to the fact that it will finally be seen in its entirety in this episode, which has been teased for years but has never been shown in its full before now.

This is a fantastic first impression that sets the bar extremely high for what is expected to be the best-ever Ultimate Ninja Storm.

Because of his father's battle with the cloaked genius in control of the monstrously large beast, the Third Hokage is forced into a dazzling, hard battle with other ninja in order to keep the creature at bay in a gorgeous, violent confrontation.

The bottom line is that UNS3 is the most visually spectacular entry yet in a franchise that continues to raise the bar with each new version.

Immediately following the defeat of the Demon Fox, you'll be thrust back into the thick of Naruto's father's never-ending fight, making it difficult to catch your breath.

This is due to the fact that UNS3 is a dynamic system. During a large combat, your focus may be drawn away from you to another battlefield or time period, forcing you to engage in a second, parallel battle until you are returned to your starting point.

I believe it's a fantastic concept as a change of pace from the ordinary since it keeps you awake and energized throughout the entire competition. The fact that each scene is related to the main story and has a function in and of itself ensured that I didn't feel like I was being dragged from scene to scene without a reason, even when things went horribly wrong.

Because this is essentially the same battle as before, the only thing that has altered is the speed at which it is taking place.

I noticed a significant improvement in the responsiveness and precision of Ultimate Ninja Storm 3 when I was playing. When I was running, dodging, and teleporting my way through the 3D battlegrounds, I was particularly aware of this, which was a pleasant surprise.

Following the modifications made to the mechanisms that were first introduced in prior volumes, the following sections detail the changes. Awakened must now be triggered before your character's health bar is completely drained to the point of death.

On top of that, it's a lot more straightforward now. Anyone who has previously completed any of the previous games will find that only a few battles in UNS3 will be a genuine challenge to them.

They will have to locate high-level online opponents in order to maintain their position because the AI will not be able to keep up with the most competent players on the planet.

At a particular point in the story, UNS3 presents you with a decision between two alternate pathways that you must select between in order to progress.

Don't you think that both the "Legend" and the "Hero" ways should be regarded good options when they are presented to a decision maker? However, the term "Legend" is a strange choice of words to characterize the position of a "Hero," as it implies that the hero has achieved legendary status.

Furthermore, the fact that you receive either Legend Points or Hero Points for selecting one option over another is further complicated by the fact that there is no apparent differentiation between the two types of points in the game.

Exploring a large number of narrative lines ultimately leads to the discovery of previously unseen events and conflicts, making the uncertainty worthwhile in the long run.

To illustrate, Choza Akimichi's metamorphosis into a godzilla-sized monster during the opening confrontation with the Nine-Tailed Fox in the Godzilla vs. the World's Finest movie comes to mind. There's nothing further to say except that it's always a good idea to branch out and try something new.

In keeping with the cartoon's plot and telling it in full throughout the game, this game follows in the footsteps of the other games in the series.

When faced with a difficult decision, you have the option to deviate from the road you've already followed in order to prevent a repeat of the previous situation. Because you're always returned to the main timeline at the conclusion of the game, the choices are never too life-altering—you can't end up choosing a course that leads to Naruto's death, for example—and the choices are never too difficult to make.

Due to the fact that it is not canonical and is unlikely to mirror what will be aired on television during the following season, the conclusion of this section may cause some fans to take issue with it.

If you're searching for some intriguing "what if?" scenarios, you might want to examine extra tales that take a different path from the events of the preceding episode.

However, as UNS3 begins to stray beyond the limits of currently showing television episodes and freshly released comic books, the waters get a little more choppy.

One area in which the game falls short in story mode is the lack of exploring possibilities available to the player.

There are hints of free-roaming moments here and there, but they never materialize, and you're quickly driven back into watching cutscenes once more. Fuu the Insect Girl isn't even a playable character, so what's the point of bothering with her?

Can you tell me how important she is, in the larger scheme of things? With our 80th birthday approaching, we can put an end to scraping the bottom of the barrel at least for the foreseeable future.


When it comes to battle speed and visual spectacle, Natsu Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 3 advances on both fronts while keeping the game's difficulty at a tolerable level for the majority of gamers.

Maintaining emotional investment in the story is more vital than avoiding non-canon decisions, and doing so allows us to experiment with "what if" scenarios, both of which are critical to the story's overall emotional effect.

It is beyond a doubt that this series has cemented Naruto's reputation as the most enjoyable video game series ever created.

Dragon Ball FighterZ

There’s no need to argue on this one because we all love Dragonball and everything related to it.

And for sure, you’ll also come to love Dragonball FighterZ because it has all the elements we’ve loved from Dragonball and so much more.

Many video gamers consider this as one of the best anime games of all time and I can see the reason why.

The game is very easy to understand so even a noob in fighting games could easily adapt. The game is also compatible across different consoles so it wouldn’t be a problem to play the game across different devices.

Requirements: (Minimum)

  • Windows (64 bit) 7

  • AMD FX-4350 4.2 GHz or Intel Core i5-3470 3.20 GHz

  • 4GB RAM

  • Radeon HD 6870, 1GB or Nvidia GeForce GTX 650 Ti, 1GB

Game Review

Despite the numerous titles that have been produced since the manga's start in the mid-1980s, it has never been essential to rely on Dragon Ball games to sustain the series' enormous popularity.

Most are forgettable, some are adequate, and just a few are truly great in their own right. Because of the unique qualities of its designer, Arc System Works, Dragon Ball FighterZ is one of the best fighting games ever made, if not the best.

Even if you feel Dragon Ball is an old brand and fighting games are daunting to you, you may be drawn by the explosive action and personalities that beautifully capture the anime's captivating mood.

Arc's ability to make 3D objects look to be made from 2D cel animation is as outstanding as ever, and its artists have a comprehensive understanding of Dragon Ball's distinguishing traits.

The screen is constantly saturated with brilliant colors and incredible effects, and astonishing attacks are arranged in such a way that they take you out of the fight and leave you in a state of awe for a brief while. FighterZ's art, whether still or animated, is evocative of the best of Dragon Ball, and it closely follows the standards set by the series' creator, Akira Toriyama.

The option to choose between Japanese and English voice acting makes it simple to feel connected to the actions on screen, regardless of how you viewed the episode.

Within the convincing Dragon Ball shell comes a fast-paced 3v3 tag-team fighting game that fans of Marvel vs. Capcom 3 and other fighting games from the brand will recognize.

FighterZ, on the other hand, is unmistakably Dragon Ball, despite apparent similarities. Characters may soar through the air in a flash, toss energy bursts about like it's nothing, and unleash a barrage of tiny punches and kicks to shock or knock down an unsuspecting opponent whenever they choose.

When attacking, every fighter shouts at the top of their lungs (in a good way), and it's simple to understand why: these super beings are immensely strong, and FighterZ does a fantastic job of bringing that strength to the screen.

It also makes it easy for everyone to gain access to that ability, owing to succinct special attack lists and one-button or two-button activations for universal mechanics, among other things.

While it is not recommended, you may play with one hand and close the distance to your opponent in order to kick their butt in style regardless of whatever character you select—all without the need for any directional inputs.

FighterZ, like every great fighting game, keeps its depth despite its ease of access.

Although super strikes and teleports are straightforward to execute, they are susceptible to timing and combination circumstances that need expert-level analysis and strategic thought.

In comparison to other games with several ability-specific meters, it is vital to correctly manage the lone meter that powers the majority of your special abilities in this game.

Because of the lack of several, ability-specific meters, the fighter's next action is more surprising than usual. It's hard to predict what someone will do next with seven distinct levels of energy flowing into both attacking and defensive approaches.

A full meter, on the other hand, guarantees problems, and a potentially chaotic back and forth between two elite fighters is in the cards.

It also indicates that a good time is just a few seconds away. Because it is so simple to traverse ground, play mechanical mind games, and look nice while doing it, there is almost no barrier to enjoyment if you compete against opponents of similar skill levels to your own.

When the skill balance is shifted in your opponent's favor and you have no way out of a combo once you've been caught, you must accept fate and wait for them to finish their onslaught—or until your current character dies—again, similar to MvC3.

Fortunately, online matching is set up to automatically pair you with other players of equivalent skill levels, and lopsided battles are uncommon and far between (at least in the open beta).

Also, you don't have to be a competitive online player to enjoy FighterZ, as the game offers a lengthy story mode that may last a dozen hours or more if you pay attention to every scenario.

Despite the fact that it is a touch drawn out in places and very straightforward until the end, it is a treat for Dragon Ball fans.

There are several new vignettes starring familiar characters.

Despite the fact that the plot is separated into three arcs, you are experiencing the same arc from three different perspectives, with a few alternate events to keep things interesting in the meanwhile.

The story's concept is that a gang of clones of the planet's most powerful fighters have gone wild, and Dragon Ball heroes and villains (some of whom have been resurrected from the dead) must work together to combat them.

Android 21, a new character, looks to be at the center of it all.

A newcomer to Dragon Ball would struggle to understand things like the Ginyu Force's tendency to pose dramatically or why Krillin doesn't have a nose, let alone the larger concepts of Super Saiyans and Dragon Balls, because there is almost no time spent introducing you to the characters or their world.

The combination of crazy pranks and hyper-serious face-offs, on the other hand, is organically captivating due to the confident cartoon expression on the characters' features.

Arc's great design abilities allow the 3D models and environments in cutscenes to look as near to actual 2D animation as feasible, for the same reason that the 3D models and environments in combat appear so realistic.

At times, it may appear as though you're watching a new episode of Dragon Ball Z. With one exception: you are not authorized to sit back and relax while the show is playing since you must press a button to advance the dialogue.

Despite the fact that FighterZ gets dangerously close to reproducing the anime's visual aesthetic, the forced interaction feels like a step backwards, even if it is a little one in the grand scheme of things.

Aside from feeling like fluff used to advance the plot, most story portions get smiles or laughter from the audience in the majority of situations.

When you play Dragon Ball FighterZ, you are cast as a spirit that has randomly possessed Goku (or another character depending on the story arc) and may be passed on to other fighters.

This is one of the game's most peculiar, yet lovable features. It's weird and unexpected, but Arc System Works deserves respect for getting you inside the room rather than just destroying the fourth wall, as they might have done.

FighterZ is complicated and unique enough to be liked by fighting game competitors, but there's little question that it was designed to appeal to the hearts of Dragon Ball's most fervent fans.

The narrative mode's one major problem is how tedious it becomes; you'll be facing clones of only a fraction of the game's whole roster over and over.

Each chapter is represented by a map, with places linked by a branching route that leads to the next chapter.

To get to the chapter boss, you must explore the board and choose your fights from those you face during the game.

Given that each chapter has a distinct route and that you may construct your own team, it's not surprising that there are optional sequences to unlock based on the conditions you satisfy in each of these chapters.

Despite the fact that the rewards are mostly enjoyable, after a few hours of defeating poor opponents, the idea of repeating story chapters to see a particularly hilarious character interaction is regretfully one that is readily rejected.

Furthermore, despite its attempt to add value to the experience, the game's basic, little overworld feels unnecessary.

All of the game's modes are divided into spokes that revolve around a central hub, and you may run about as small replicas of the game's heroes, clothed in various outfits at times.

After a time, it becomes second nature to simply push the quick menu button and avoid traveling around at all because there is no benefit other than seeing yourself visiting a different site for each mode, which is cute at first.

To entice you to play, the game provides unlockable avatars for the overworld, but even if this seems attractive, you can only earn them from randomized loot boxes in the game.

As you battle and complete story mode milestones, you earn money that may be redeemed for a capsule containing a random cosmetic item, such as graphics for your fighter profile, the aforementioned avatars, or multiple color palettes for in-combat outfits.

When you open a capsule and find a duplicate item, you will receive premium currency that you may use in the game.

Spending premium currency will only result in you acquiring an item you do not already own, and not one of your choosing.

However, rather than detracting from the experience, the system appears to be redundant, as none of the incentives are required for players to enjoy what matters most: engaging in spectacular battles and interacting with Dragon Ball's endearingly strange characters.

While only a tiny part of the overall picture, the rare Dramatic Finishes are probably FighterZ's most distinguished and breathtaking dedication to fans.

Anyone who has spent years watching Dragon Ball Z unfold over over 300 episodes would shout in astonishment and excitement the first time they activated one, which will only happen with precise pairings and under specific conditions.

Despite having little to do with FighterZ's narrative, they have everything to do with the franchise's lengthy and distinguished history in general.

Any concerns that FighterZ on the Switch will be of poor quality are instantly erased as soon as you engage in your first bout.

Despite the fact that the confrontations are still brutally violent, every hit, flee, and cry is accompanied with a distinct sensation of strength.

If you prefer to utilize d-pads rather of analog sticks, there is an inherent disadvantage to overcome with while playing FighterZ on a mobile device, but the game is instantly recognizable otherwise.

It's partially due to FighterZ's great Switch adaptation, but it's also a credit to the game's efficient and versatile combat mechanics.

Even if you're feeling rusty, it's easy to get back into the swing of things in a matter of minutes. Despite the fact that the aesthetics have been somewhat modified, FighterZ feels every bit the explosive fighting game it did on prior platforms, and it has the unique virtue of being portable.

FighterZ is complicated and different enough for fighting game competitors to appreciate, but there's no doubt that it's been created to capture the hearts of Dragon Ball's most committed fans, and there's no doubt that those same attributes will win over individuals who've never given the series a try.

FighterZ is now available on PS4 and Xbox One.

Unlike previous games that attempted to achieve this through massive character rosters and purposefully predictable trips down memory lane, FighterZ has captured the essence of what makes the Dragon Ball series' characters, animation, and sense of humor so beloved and reconfigured it into something entirely new: a Dragon Ball fighting game that can compete on an equal footing with the best of the genre.

Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links

“My ever-faithful companion, Dark Magician!” and “It’s time to duel!” I can’t remember how many times Yami Yugi said those lines. I basically grew up with Yu-Gi-Oh. I even collected Yu-Gi-Oh cards and played with my childhood friends.

Thinking about it now, it really feels nostalgic. Not to mention snatching cards from my playmates and watching them cry (Sorry. *Haha).

Well now, I get to relive the excitement of playing Yu-Gi-Oh! again with the Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Link pc version.

You can play the game for free although you have to spend some money if you want to get some of the best cards in the game. But if you only want to enjoy the immersive game, then just play without spending a dime.

Requirements: (Minimum)

  • Intel Core i3-3210

  • 2GB RAM

  • Windows (64 bit) 7

  • Intel HD Graphics 4000 or NVIDIA GeForce 8600 GS or AMD Radeon HD 4800

  • 4GB Available Space

Game Review

Coming from someone who loved YugiOh in 2002 (middle school), I downloaded the game on my switch out of curiosity and was hit with joy and nostalgia. The gameplay is great and it has almost every card ever printed.

You battle though different eras of yugioh so you get to learn how to play crazy mechanics like synchro, pendulum, and more.

It's a great deck building game that I could play for hours on end. I love how it also have animation cut scenes.

Super good game but the online multiplayer is a bit lacking due to toxic people just backing out of games.

Grab a few friends, have a drink and duel to your hearts content.

Genshin Impact

Want to immerse yourself in RP games? Genshin Impact is a pretty solid game experience with its interesting twists and some funny moments.

You can climb all the mountains you can see or dive in a river all you want, and nothing would stop you (except perhaps if there was a blackout in your area or your mom starts yelling at you for being on your desktop all the time).

Genshin Impact is a role-playing game that is free to play and has become so popular that even the western game media paid attention to it. So, are you ready to enter the world of Teyvat?

Requirements: (Minimum)

  • Windows (64 bit) 7

  • Intel Core i5

  • 8GB RAM

  • Nvidia GeForce GT 1030

  • 30GB Available Space

Attack on Titan 2 (A.O.T. 2)

This one completes the list of anime games for pc. A.O.T. 2 is a sequel of the Attack on Titan: Wings of Freedom so if you want to absorb A.O.T. 2, you might want to check the other one out.

Requirement: (Minimum)

  • Windows (64 bit) 7

  • Core i5 2400

  • 5GB RAM

  • Nvidia GeForce GTX 660

  • 30GB Available Space

So, have you chosen which game you want to try next? Well, why choose when you can have them all, right? Enjoy playing!


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